13800 Siehl Rd, Akron, NY 14001

No size limit on pets

Dog Waiver

Although Sleepy Hollow does not place a size limit on pets, for the best interest and everyone’s safety NO AGGRESSIVE BREED of dogs will be permitted to stay at Sleepy Hollow or allowed on the property by any day visitors of guests. It is the responsibility of their guest to inform the staff of the breed of dog prior to making a reservation.

Sleepy Hollow Campground
(716) 542 4336
13800 Siehl Rd Akron, NY 14001
Pet Waiver Form

Guest Name:
Emergency Cell Number:
Pet #1
Species & Breed:
Pet Name & Description:
Rabies #


Site Number:

Pet #2
Species & Breed:
Pet Name & Description:
Rabies #

  • I hereby agree to the following regulations and conditions while staying at Sleepy Hollow Campground.

  • I agree my pet must be current with all required shots and immunizations.

  • I agree my pet will be allowed at the above site/cabin and not those of other guests.

  • I agree the minimum security deposit for my pet inside a cabin rental will be left at check in and may not be refundable.

  • I agree that the cost for repair for any damages or additional cleaning charges will be charged to my credit card accordingly, even if discovered after departure. This includes flea treatment etc/

  • I agree the maximum of pets per site/cabin are 2

  • I agree to keep my pet out of the pool/swimming/beach/playground and other common areas.

  • I agree to keep my pet with me and will not leave the pet in the unit unattended, especially after 10pm

  • I agree to walk my pet on the outer area of the property away from the common areas and buildings and will clean up after my pet.

  • I agree that if my pet is not cleaned up after there will be a fee charged to my account for cleaning.

  • I agree that my pet will not be on any furniture of Sleepy Hollow without protective covering and pet owner will be responsible for shedding or damage.

  • I agree to prevent noise or any other disturbance by my pet, in the interest of other guests.

  • I agree that barking, biting, and other harmful nuisances will not be tolerated. Should disturbances create complaints, at discretion of management I agree to make arrangements to house my pet elsewhere outside of the campground
    Should there be any harm caused by my pet I take full responsibility to maximum extent and campground will not be liable.

  • I agree and understand should I choose to depart early due to an issue with my pet there will be no refund
    Although Sleepy Hollow does not place a size limit on pets, for the best interest and everyone’s safety NO AGGRESSIVE BREED of dogs will be permitted to stay at Sleepy Hollow or allowed on the property by any day visitors of guests. It is the responsibility of their guest to inform the staff of the breed of dog prior to making a reservation.